About Us

Doctors of Peace - DOP is a humanitarian non-governmental non-profit organization to provide medical and health care to achieve physical, mental, and social health, through health interventions and related activities for the most vulnerable populations affected by war, natural disasters, disease, and poverty and exclusion, and those with no access to health care. Doctors of Peace provides its services and support regardless of gender, race, color, or political affiliation. Doctors of peace consist of peace, humanity, independence, and transparency. Doctors of peace aims to:
1. Provide emergency medical services in areas that suffer from conflicts, wars, natural disasters, and areas where You lack health services.
2. Provide primary health care services, including sexual and reproductive care and mental health care.
3. Provide support and psychological rehabilitation for victims of sexual violence, especially girls and children survivors form of ISIS.
4. Improve and develop the skills of all collaborators and partners.
5. Protect the environment and work against pollution.
6. Support building peace in post-conflict affected communities.

Our Mission:
is to improve people lives and ensure everyone has access to health, clean water, and shelter. We plan to accomplish our mission in two ways. One by supporting people in need and second by solving the roots of poverty in underdeveloped areas. At doctors of peace, we will not stop until our goals are achieved.

Our Vision:
We will be a committed global champion for the health and well-being of people in crises through enabling, promoting and advocating the health and environment, concentrate on gender issues the face of the earth, and that empower women to achieve independence.

Our Principles:
- Medical ethics: is Utility- Attempt to bring about the greatest amount of benefit to as many people involved as is possible and consistent with the observance of other basic moral principles. Greatest Benefit and Least harm.
- Distributive Justice: All involved should have equal entitlements, equal access to benefits and burdens. Similar cases should be treated in a similar fashion. People should be treated alike regardless of their gender, religion, political afflictions contributions or effort.
- Impartiality: we are giving priority to the most urgent cases of distress and making no adverse distinction on the basis of nationality, race, gender, religious belief, class or political opinion.
- Independence: we work No under the political, economic, military or other objectives that any actor may hold with regard to areas where humanitarian action is being implemented.
- Humanity: Our action is to protect life and health and ensure respect for human beings.

What We Do

Environment concerns:
Promote the environment, reduction the air pollution, to pave the way towards a greener, more
peaceful world, and to confront the systems that threaten our environment.